Mission Statement
Our Mission
We Exist to Glorify God
Our Priorities
Discipleship, Fellowship, and Taking the Gospel Into the World
Our Values
Authenticity, Hospitality, Generosity
Our Guiding Principles
About Us
Bethel Pentecostal Church is a self-governing Assembly, and is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in the British Columbia & Yukon District. We are located in the city of Dawson Creek in beautiful Northern British Columbia.
Bethel is a family friendly ministry centre that exists to encourage, train and equip people to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. It is our desire to be examples of God’s grace with our words and our actions, in order to reach out to our community, nation and world. Our congregation is inclusive of all ages and very welcoming to visitors, guests and new attendees.
We Believe
- That there is one God eternally existent in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
- That in history God has revealed Himself through natural and specific revelation.
- That all scripture is divinely inspired, the very Word of God.
- That all men have inherited a sinful nature from their first parents Adam and Eve, and have joined them in willing rebellion against God. This rebellion is called sin.
- That right retribution of God towards sin is eternal separation from God.
- That God in His glorious grace sent His son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and then die on a Roman cross bearing the weight of our sin and shame.
- That Jesus rose from the dead after three days conquering death and sin, and then ascended into heaven where he now resides at the Father's side.
- That all men are offered the free gift of grace through faith in Jesus.
- That after Jesus' ascension, God The Father and God The Son sent God The Holy Spirit to guide, give wisdom, and to empower those who would receive the free gift of grace through faith.
- That Jesus calls all those who have faith in Him to belong to His church, both universal and local.
- That in the sacraments of Baptism and Communion the church remembers, proclaims, and takes part in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- That Jesus will one day return to gather His church and execute right judgment against those who have rejected His offer of grace.
- That those who have rejected God's offer of grace through faith in Jesus will be condemned to spend eternity apart from God under His right wrath, while those who have accepted His offer will spend eternity with Him in a restored creation, the new heaven and the new earth.